Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Work Work, Work is starting to get boring

Do people still check there diction and grammar? Hmmm don’t you think it’s annoying why people always see the worst of you but never see the best of you? No matter how hard you try they still have a hard time appreciating you… but its still stupid people tend to be so tactless oh hmm that’s not used anymore my stupid teacher once said you should always use without tact but that’s really stupid why use a longer word when you could use the short one.

And the short ones much easy to remember and pronounce LOL! Why am I so restless in writing such stupid blogs or posts? I am tedious in writing in my blog because I have nothing else good to do. If you were in my position you would probably do the same thing but if you were hardworking. You would probably do something smart and productive. But what can I do I’m not like you! Stupid Jerk! Get out of here! Oh never mind just stay and read my blog you might be interested and get hooked on my blog you might read it all the way through the last part hahaha hmmm why’d you push me away?

You shouldn’t do that because that’s impolite and rude! Actually I’m inside our house right now it’s a Sunday and I can’t run my GG client properly hmmm… oh are you wondering what is picture of a pizza doing in blog or post? Hmm I just finished eating four slices of a 10 inch pizza and it was very yummy at first but after the last bite I felt a strong urge to vomit I feel dizzy… but still ill continue with my blog or post LOL! Actually all of my blogs or posts are just products of my boredom I don’t have a very active imagination but I’m good at blurting out random things that make no sense at all.

So if you try and look at it I’m a very normal person I need company, food and many more. So why do people say we are all unique hmmm maybe it’s because of our personality and the way we present ourselves do you want to know how I present my self in public? YOU CAN’T! Because you’re weird, annoying, irresponsible, tactless, stupid, and you don’t have a sense of justice. Oh crap that has nothing to do with what I just said never mind that I don’t feel like erasing you right now maybe later or maybe not at all. Did you ever ask a question and was answered by a question?

Hahaha don’t you hate it specially when you really want to know what’s behind that stupid thing… hmmm in our vernacular people usually answer the question “Gwapa siya bai?” with puti kai bai grabe, buotan kai cya bai super!, taas siya bai, and many more. So are Filipinos really afraid to discriminate people? Maybe not because all of my friends are really good at backbiting and making rumors. Including me I specially like it when I really hate that person or just dislike him or her hahaha. Am I supposed to say that? Is that allowed? I’m tired I want to sleep so good bye...

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