Monday, June 1, 2009

Who are you? Why are you so....

Boringgggggggggggggg this picture was taken ages ago when i still had long hair i just wanted to upload it and share it with the people who are reading my blog. I'm currently here at work in the National Housing Authority in Julio Pacana St. Puntod Cagayan de Oro City. Work is starting to get boring and tiring I've been answering calls all morning and running from 1 point to another here in the office goodthing its my lunch break. I just came back from the eatery where i always eat at when I'm in work I've even had my smoking break haha.

This picture was edited by me :D see how the picture was taken so crudely hehe. Its because I just used a regular digi cam and a tripod and MS paint to edit it because I didn't like to use photoshop beacuse it was so hard to use it back then the photoshop available was 5 i think. I'm really not familiar with the versions of Adobe Photoshop I have another picture this was taken inside our house in the sala as you can see our house is really small.

In this picture I didn't even bother to use the tripod I just use our dining table. Thats me using the computer I wonder what was I doing back then probably listening to music and searching for stuff or playing an online game or watching some porn haha. As you can see in the picture above someone's looking at what I'm doing wonder if he wants to use the computer or he just wants to watch what I'm watching hahaha. I wonder when can I really use Adobe Photoshop like a proffesional photo manipulator/editor/enhancer/all the slashes in the world.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Hayden Kho Scandal Compilation

After work i was walking along divisoria smoking, when suddenly a man approached me and said "Dong palit kag DVD ni hayden kho naa tanan iyang scandal dadto". I was shocked with what the man said so i eagerly said yes to him not thinking that i only had 50 pesos in my pocket that time including my jeepney fair. So the man finally arrived in his stall in the divisoria square or "Baghdad" as i call it (because when you enter the place its so hot inside your like in a desert but when you go out the winds suddenly turns cold and fresh hehe) and played the DVD. I couldn't stop my self from laughing because when the DVD went to its menu the soundtrack was careless whisper and i remembered Hayden Kho dancing to careless whisper from his first scandal with Katrina Halili. When i saw the first page of the menu the scandals listed there were Hayden Kho And Katrina Halili part 1, Hayden Kho And Katrina Halili part 2,Hayden Kho And Maricar Reyes Part1, Hayden Kho And Maricar Reyes Part 2.

I wasn't shock or anything because I've heard of the scandals from the news but when the man selling the DVD turned to page 2 of the menu i was shocked because I never new that Hayden Kho had sex videos of him with a Brazilian Model and Ruffa Mae Quinto even Criselda Volks was even in the compilation she had 2 sex videos there. As eager i was to watch the videos at home to finally get over the Hayden Kho Sex Videos Compilation Trend , Fever or Call it what you want. I then asked the vendor How much for the DVD and he replied with "Tag 250 bai" i was shocked because the DVD was so expensive and when you buy a regular DVD with anything in it. It only Cost's you 100 to 150 pesos so there was a difference of 100, in my shock i said "Ah sakay man sad sa panahon" without thinking.

Good thing the vendor didn't get mad at me for saying that and he replied "Chada man sad ang sulod dong daghan kaau scandal sulit kaau kung mu palit ka" I laughed because I only had 50 pesos in my pocket so I slowly turned away and said "Balik rako nong". Even though the price of the DVD was so expensive, you can't blame the vendors because there are some buyers who are still willing to pay the price just to watch the DVD Compilation of Hayden Kho's Scandals. Because of this the Demand and supply come in. The more the Scandals of Hayden Kho comeout the Higher the demand for his videos and DVD's. hehe you can't blame the people for wanting to watch the DVD they're just curios of how Hayden captured the said videos.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

(名) 変化; 変更; 交換; 転換; つり銭; 小銭; 着替え

Are we susceptible to change?

Should you hate someone who hates you?

Is it fair to ask for something and not give anything back?

Should you do something that someone asked you to do?

What would happen if you didn’t adapt to your new environment?

What if I picked out a star for you? , Would you like it even though if it’s small and unnoticeable?

What would happen to you if I told you I was going to die tomorrow?

There are something’s in this world that you can’t adapt to even though everything has already changed.

You still resist in changing yourself.

Change is actually not mandatory but it is an option.

In an anime which I just recently watched a character said that “people are like dice. A certain French man said that. You throw yourself in the direction of your own choosing”

Is it right to always disagree about everything when you aren’t supposed to disagree it in the first place because your not involved?

Are you supposed to feel sad for a person who lost everything?

Would you settle for mediocrity?

Should you cry over spilled milk? Why the heck would you cry over spilled milk?

Its just milk you can get another glass of milk from the milk carton.

Is there a man on the moon? How can you tell when the moons really big.

How can you be someone’s hero? Is there a test for that? How do you pass?

Have you ever experienced 12 different kinds of lag? Are there 12 kinds of lag?

Maybe your wondering why my title is so weird and what the stupid weird chinese characters mean. The title means change actually there were two defintions of change in japanese so i just placed both of them as my title heheh kinda weird but its ok.

Work Work, Work is starting to get boring

Do people still check there diction and grammar? Hmmm don’t you think it’s annoying why people always see the worst of you but never see the best of you? No matter how hard you try they still have a hard time appreciating you… but its still stupid people tend to be so tactless oh hmm that’s not used anymore my stupid teacher once said you should always use without tact but that’s really stupid why use a longer word when you could use the short one.

And the short ones much easy to remember and pronounce LOL! Why am I so restless in writing such stupid blogs or posts? I am tedious in writing in my blog because I have nothing else good to do. If you were in my position you would probably do the same thing but if you were hardworking. You would probably do something smart and productive. But what can I do I’m not like you! Stupid Jerk! Get out of here! Oh never mind just stay and read my blog you might be interested and get hooked on my blog you might read it all the way through the last part hahaha hmmm why’d you push me away?

You shouldn’t do that because that’s impolite and rude! Actually I’m inside our house right now it’s a Sunday and I can’t run my GG client properly hmmm… oh are you wondering what is picture of a pizza doing in blog or post? Hmm I just finished eating four slices of a 10 inch pizza and it was very yummy at first but after the last bite I felt a strong urge to vomit I feel dizzy… but still ill continue with my blog or post LOL! Actually all of my blogs or posts are just products of my boredom I don’t have a very active imagination but I’m good at blurting out random things that make no sense at all.

So if you try and look at it I’m a very normal person I need company, food and many more. So why do people say we are all unique hmmm maybe it’s because of our personality and the way we present ourselves do you want to know how I present my self in public? YOU CAN’T! Because you’re weird, annoying, irresponsible, tactless, stupid, and you don’t have a sense of justice. Oh crap that has nothing to do with what I just said never mind that I don’t feel like erasing you right now maybe later or maybe not at all. Did you ever ask a question and was answered by a question?

Hahaha don’t you hate it specially when you really want to know what’s behind that stupid thing… hmmm in our vernacular people usually answer the question “Gwapa siya bai?” with puti kai bai grabe, buotan kai cya bai super!, taas siya bai, and many more. So are Filipinos really afraid to discriminate people? Maybe not because all of my friends are really good at backbiting and making rumors. Including me I specially like it when I really hate that person or just dislike him or her hahaha. Am I supposed to say that? Is that allowed? I’m tired I want to sleep so good bye...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Poker Fever in CDO

Are you familiar with texas hold em poker?

hahaha if you live in Cagayan de Oro right now you might be familiar with it haha

I've been playing poker since last summer of 2008 its been quite fun. But suddenly there's been an out break of poker houses here in CDO. The only poker house i know about in CDO used to be OIC then transferred to BES then to Maxi i think were the pioneering batch to play in Maxi. hahaha i remeber spending long hours just playing poker making friends through poker even old people played poker there and in time the old people who play poker in maxi's and I became friends.

As classes started i still kept on playing poker at maxi's spending my allowance there until i started to run low on money. As time flew by money also flew by for me haha spending all of my money at the poker house hoping to double or triple it but an old guy i befriended over poker told me "Wala jd kai daug sa sugal dong ayaw hutda ug sugal imng kwarta kai ikaw ra ang mag mahay".

And it got me to thinking the old guy was right i wasn't even playing with my money it was my mothers hard earned money why was i playing poker everyday even on a school night, why did i spend my time on poker. Maybe it was because of the fun i was having when i started to read people if they were bluffing or not and how i bluffed in return it was really fun...

Hayden Kho and Maricar Reyes Scandal

A really funny thing happened to me this morning i go in to work on 7:45 am and the office was so quiet the only ones there was maam labo on her cubicle and maam fernandez doing something i had no idea about. So i went to my cubicle turned on the computer and stared at it for quite sometime (because the computers here at the national housing authority are prehistoric).

After a while my boss(maam ancheta) came in the office so she made it to her cubicle and did some stuff (like cleaning her desk arranging stuff and all the things she needs to do before she starts working). I was shocked because she approaced me suddenly and said with a small voice "kabalo ka aha kuhaun tong scandal ni maricar reyes ug hayden kho?" in shock i quickly said "oo maam sa spankwire" i was so shocked that even my boss in work was so interested in hayden kho and his sex adventures and suddenly i started to think.

About how eager people are to watch hayden kho's videos even little kids i see in the internet cafes ask the other people in the cafe for the link to hayden kho's videos. Hayden Kho just turned into a celebrity with his perverted acts hahaha I wonder if his license will get revoked....

First Post

My first post here... hahaha I'm still not sure what i'm supposed to do here but i think ranting for now will do hehe i'll rant about my frustrations in work and how i listen to goodtimes in magic radio while in work :D